The Club of Catalogues Raisonnés Authors

The Club of Catalogues Raisonnés Authors' mission is to bring together twice a year in Paris, people directly involved in the creation and management of Catalogues Raisonnés.

This Club of Catalogues Raisonnés Authors is also open to members responsible for managing archives and funds who work with the aim of constituting a Catalogue Raisonné in medium term.

The Club of Catalogues Raisonnés Authors’ membership is by application to be sent by e-mail ( Please send us a presentation of your research work.

The next meeting of the Club of Catalogues Raisonnés Authors will take place in March 2025 in Paris, around a roundtable and a meeting cocktail for members. The program and date will be communicated to members in January 2025.


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Many contemporary artists and estates have chosen InventoZen.

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